

2600 West 75th Street Woodridge, IL 60517

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If you’re planning your first visit, learn more here about what to expect. You can join us in-person or online each Sunday at 10am.

Volunteers Needed - Easter Egg Hunt

by: Gail Hengels



POP is excited to be sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 12th for the families of the community.  The egg hunt is a fun opportunity for POP to welcome the community.

It takes many volunteers to make this event a success. Most serving opportunities will have 2 shifts: 1st shift 8am - 11am; 2nd shift 12pm - 3pm. Help us set-up, egg hunt helpers, serve snacks, give out prizes and more.

To sign up to volunteer for this event, please contact Gail Hengels at the churc

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Another Great Chili Cook-Off

by: Gail Hengels



           Our 20th Chili Cook-Off 6:00 p.m. Saturday evening, Feb. 1, 2025 was a huge success! Between 75-80 members, relatives and friends attended this great event. We all were happy to again have Curt Reisenbichler as our Emcee for the evening, who made a special trip from Florida to be with us.


            There were 10 chili contestants competing in the 5 separate categories of the POP Chili Cook-Off. Prizes were awarded to the following:  Colin Newey, guest, won the

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Stop & Share the Love!

by: Gail Hengels



Where can you buy Terri Lynn's signature nuts, snacks, and sweets for yourself? Right here! Support a worthy cause with every purchase and enjoy our delicious, gourmet snacks.

You can help support the ongoing Missions & Ministry of the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church by purchasing these delicious nuts, snacks, and chocolates. Terri Lynn’s nuts and treats are perfect for your entertaining of friends and family – they make wonderful gifts, too. Please help us with a purchase

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Defer Property Taxes

by: Gail Hengels



Qualified senior citizens, aged 65 years and older are invited to apply for the Senior Citizen Real Estate Tax Deferral Program. The program allows participants to defer property tax payment until the property is sold. To qualify, the applicant's household income cannot exceed $65,000. Additionaly, the property must be used exclusively for residential purposes.

The application period closes March 1, 2025. For more information, contact the DuPage County's Treasurer's Office

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Scout Sunday! February 23, 2025

by: Gail Hengels



Calling all scouts: young, old, and in-between! If you are now - or have ever been - a Scout of any kind, we invite you to join us on Sunday, February 23rd at 10:00 am for Scout Sunday!

This Sunday in February is set aside as a day to lift up and celebrate scouting in our midst.

We have invited the scout troop who meet in our church to join us for worship at 10:00 am and we will recognize them and offer a blessing. 

Wear your uniform to the worship service and join other scou

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POP Mini-Pantry

by: Gail Hengels



     In the New Year, with hard-freeze  weather conditions  approaching, the pantry has been reset to remove items that do not do well under extremely cold conditions, such as canned goods.

     Often it is asked, what are the donations you could best use for the pantry now?  

     Answer:  Food items that are "instant" or "dry" - for    example, instant ("just add water") soups and ramen, as well as dried pasta.  

     Also, snack items such as granola bars, and individual s

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20th Annual Chili Cook-Off

by: Gail Hengels



Calling all chili heads! Start looking in your cook books, haul out your big crock pots, spoons, and aprons and start planning your favorite chili.

Five categories:

Best chili, hottest chili, mildest chili, most unusual chili, best presentation

A beautiful chili trophy will be awarded to the maker of the best chili!

Questions: Contact Judy McClure (630) 964-9611

or juddex59@gmail.com 

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Adopt-A-Family Thank you to all who supported the families this year!

by: Gail Hengels



We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who helped provide for several families in our community for Christmas; everyone who picked a tag and shopped, made a monetary donation, and volunteered to sort presents. This could not have been possible without your generosity and help!

Thank you for all you've done to make it a success once again.

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Giving Tree

by: Gail Hengels



Our Giving Tree is filled with hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves, just in time for the cold weather.  The following amounts were collected:

54 pairs of socks, 19 pairs of gloves 1 pair of mittens, 16 stocking caps 1 stocking cap and mittens 1 warmer, 1 scarf and hat 3 hats, 1bucket hat 4 ear muffs

 Thank you to all who donated to keep others a little bit warmer.

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Wednesdays in Advent - Collaborative Holden Evening Prayer

by: Gail Hengels



To celebrate the Advent Season, several churches came together to worship and to sing a liturgy by Marty Haugen, Holden Evening Prayer. We prepared our hearts for the coming of Jesus for the Advent Season. The Holden Evening Prayer Service filled with music and promises of God's love and hope for the future.

Special thanks to the area churches:

Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Darien, Pastor Adam Dowd

Christ Lutheran Church,  Clarendon Hills, Pastor Carol Braun

Prince of Peace Lu

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South DuPage CROP Hunger Walk

by: Gail Hengels



Thanks to all who walked, gave or volunteered in any way to make this walk a success!


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2024 Annual Creche Display

by: Gail Hengels



Prince of Peace displayed their personal crèches at the church on Dec. 8th.  The many créches were artistically placed throughout the Narthex. Beautiful, magnificent works of art that were shared.  Creches are personal with such craftsmanship! 

 Thank you so much to our Women’s Group for organizing this event!

 The spirit of Christmas radiated in the building.

 Have a blessed Advent!


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POP Pantry

by: Gail Hengels



As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, the little pantry located at POP Church has been reconfigured to support holiday meals for our neighbors who make use of this resource in our community.  

POP Church continues with gratitude and appreciation to share efforts to stock this pantry with the Apollos Christian Community, together with neighbors who “share what they can.” 


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Oh Christmas Tree!

by: Gail Hengels



Are you looking for a way to share Christmas joy with those who need it  most?

Help warm some hearts, hands and heads this winter season. You are invited to bring new hats & gloves and/or mittens to our “Warm Them Up Tree” in the Narthex beginning on the first Sunday in Advent, December 1st. 

Men’s, women’s and children’s hats and gloves and/or mittens are all needed and will be gratefully accepted. Help us fill up the tree so that we can help keep as many heads and hands wa

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by: Gail Hengels



Join us as we share the love of Jesus and the joy of Christmas with 5 local families.

     There is a sign-up sheet posted for the five different families in the Narthex. Each of the five families have been given a different color to help with the coordination                process. Wish lists have been posted for the children with their Christmas gift ideas. Food items that are needed to feed these families have been posted as well. 

     Stop by the Narthex to sign-up for

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